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Monday, January 12, 2009

Misuse of the Bible by the racists

Thomas O'Brien's book "Verboten" we glean from his commentary that, "Even the ability to blush (show blood in the face) is confined to the White race. This is caused by your subconscious which only God controls, as He breathed His Living Spirit into Adam who passed it on to you, his White descendants. You are an infinitesimal projection of your Creator, so when you do or say something embarrassing, your subconscious rushes blood to your face. The colored races, not having been endowed with God's Spirit, have no abstract sense of right or wrong, consequently are never embarrassed." It is a misnomer to call other races or species mankind. In the book of Genesis, God's Law of kind after kind was established, meaning species. The Bible we have in our hands today repeatedly teaches about 'seed after its own kind' in which each and every species of plants and animals propagate within their own kind. In the case of Adamkind, it is clearly the White race. The Bible interprets itself by declaring that "This is the book of the generations of Adam" (Gen. 5:1). Generations means the genetic posterity. You can read more details in the article "The Adamic Creation". 


There are indeed two manners of people in the world: those who remain racially pure and those who don't. The problem again arises with the twin boys, Jacob and Esau, fulfilling their separate destinies from the time of their birth. History also shows that whenever these people sought to integrate and intermarry, the results were always the same: violence, confusion and judgment from God. On the other hand, when they lived separately as God ordered, each respectively lived in harmony apart from each other. History also shows that whenever the racially pure offspring of Jacob failed to assume their God-mandated office of taking dominion and administering God's Laws, conversely allowing the offspring of Esau to occupy and determine the law of the land, there has been nothing but trouble, chaos and God's judgment. Destruction of White Christian civilization is the primary purpose of the jewish drive towards racial amalgamation. They know that it has always been White Christian society that has proclaimed liberty throughout the land and are the custodians of freedom. So in order to control the world, this element of God's Spirit must go to the grave in various forms of genocide. Historians and social engineers know that a mongrelized people is easier to control, because they have a deformed spirit and no identity. These destroyers of mankind know that every White civilization (and there have been some 25 of these civilizations in the sixty centuries of recorded history) that has practiced race mixing, has destroyed themselves from within. You want to talk about fairy tales? There has never been a great Black civilization in Africa and mongrels have never been able to rule their subjects justly. South Africa enjoyed White Christian apartheid until its Christian faith was undermined by antichrist distortions of the Word. It is now the murder capital of the world.  read it all 

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